Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Toys for Troops Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
October 23, 2011
Esquire Lounge, Champaign, IL
4:30-9:00 p.m.
Spaghetti provided by Minneci's Italian Ristorante
Music by ThreeBird Acoustic Trio
Raffle Tickets with great door prizes, & 50/50 


Toys for Troops' last all-out fundraising event was in 2007.  I intend to write about what is involved in putting this fundraiser together.

First in order was securing time, date, venue, spaghetti, and music. I was nervous, but the hurdles  were mental—the first 3 people I approached said, in this order, "Yes," "Yes," and "Yes." Whoo hoo!

Next on the agenda is spreading the word.
It's amateur-hour on the advertising front. I am frugal with this organization's money.  I've designed and written all of the literature. I hacked out a newsletter that friends proofread for me. Bright green paper for $12, ink for $40, and 500 posters were printed at home. I had credit on the books at a discount printing house, so postcards were printed for next-to-nothing. I own my own laminator, and will take care of that with my own money. Gas and hours are on my dime too. I put this out there so that you know, for sure, where your donations are going: To Support the Troops! 

I also tell you to reiterate that I can't do this without you.  With a minimal advertising budget, our success really does depend on your help and your word-of-mouth. If you can tack up a poster, make a donation, spread the word to someone who can donate a gift certificate, I need you.

Posters have been printed. If you would also like to hand out or post a poster, contact me!

Postcards for vendors/donators are being delivered today, to use as a calling card when I go door-to-door, asking the nice people of this community to donate a gift certificate or two to the cause.
There are some that I'll have to tack a stamp to, but I'd really rather look you right in the eye and ask.

I also like to remind you: It doesn't matter where you are. Whether you're right by my side in this town, or if you're on the other side of the country, you can help.  Email me at if you want to know how, or if you have any questions. I'll try to do frequent updates here!

Yeehaw, we have work to do, people!